asked Apr 5, 2020 in Legal advice by edward | 912 views

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Hello @Edward,

thank you for reaching out to the Wefugees community and for your question.

Supposing that you hold a greek residence permit and have a valid passport, here are some suggestions:

1. You could apply for an apprenticeship visa via the German embassy or consulate to do a triennial professional training. Here you can find further information: https://blog.ausbildung.de/apprenticeship-in-germany/

2. If you've already finished an aprrenticeship or graduated from university, there is an option to apply for a speicialist visa. There are two different kinds. The first one is for job seeking, the second one is to work in your field of profession.

There are some conditions you have to comply with:

  1. the professional must one for Germany recognized qualification show
  2. German good proven knowledge of at least voice level B1
  3. Candidates must have their livelihood contest during the job search itself
  4. With a blocked account the livelihood must be demonstrated during the job search
  5. All candidates need a health insurance and a proven accommodation
  6. be secured when taking up work has the full livelihood protection by their own work
  7. Employment for social security contributions with a minimum of 35 hours worked per week

If you have any questions about the recognition procedure, just write again, I'm a specialist on this topic. For a first overview you might also consult this page: https://***.anerkennung-in-deutschland.de/html/en/.

Here are some linguistic ressources for you: https://***.dw.***/de/deutsch-lernen/s-2055

I'd recommend you to apply for a job, it will be easier to obtain a visa if you can show up with a work contract, in which your salary is specified. In this case, if your income will suffice for your living, you won't need a blocked account. This is where you can search for jobs: https://jobboerse.arbeitsagentur.de/vamJB/startseite.html?aa=1&m=1&kgr=as&vorschlagsfunktionaktiv=true

And last but not least: To get a general impression of the new options, please visit these very good sites: https://fachkraefteeinwanderungsgesetz.de/ and https://***.make-it-in-germany.***/en/visa/skilled-immigration-act/.

Many further question will then arise of course.

I hope my answers were useful for you and I'll be very pleased if you contact me again with further questions. I'm a member of the mbeon-staff and I‘ll be glad to guide over a longer period of time. mbeon is an online advisory service for migrants via the mbeon-app, which you can download on your smartphone for free. You'll find me in the mbeon-app under my name „München, Frau Müller“ and get confidential one-to-one advice in a safe virtual room where nobody can read messages. For further information please visit ***.mbeon.de.

Download for Android: https://play.google.***/store/apps/details?id=de.zone35.mbeon

Download for iOS: https://apps.apple.***/de/app/mbeon-messengerberatung/id1408795643

Best regards


answered Apr 6, 2020 by mbeon-Christine
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