My deutsch girlfriend is pregnant 8 months and my asylum is rejected can i be deported? I have Sorgerechten und Vaterschaft from jungdamt. What can i do ?
asked Jan 14, 2020 in Legal advice by Sonu | 1,664 views

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2 Answers

0 votes
Residence act 60a (2) deportation shall be suspended if its impossible in legal facts and law which make a deportation impossible - in your case your Vaterschaft and Sorgerecht.
60a (4) the deportation of a foreigner acknowledging paternity shall be suspended untill the procedure pursuant to section 85a has been concluded by means of enforceable decision.
You are not entitled to get a residence permit 28(3) once your child receives German passport . If you have a lawyer I recommend you to contact him or her and think about speaking with the Ausländerbehörde to be issued with duldung as you finalise the paternity
answered Jan 14, 2020 by Pan 123
@Pan123I do not understand  your answer you gave to me.. for me I am illegal and my german gf is also 8 months and 1 week pregnant.  Will they give me document when she put to birth?
@Pan123I i do not understand  your answer you gave to the guy not me . for me I am illegal and my german gf is also 8 months and 1 week pregnant.  Will they give me document when she put to birth?
You are entitled to the residence if you get Birth certificate,Vaterschaft,sorgerecht and the child holds German citizenship.
In your case you need lawyer since you are illegal in Germany
@pan123 thanks
0 votes
Thanks for the reply i am not able to understand as i cannot be deported but also i am not eligible for residency permit
answered Jan 14, 2020 by Sonu
You cannot be deported as you hold Vaterschaft and sorgerecht.
If you have a lawyer he/she need to apply for suspension of deportation as you finish your paternity.
Once your child is born and he/she gets German citizenship you are entitled to a residence
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