I overstayed my student french visa and I am currently in Germany. Is it possible to apply for voluntary return from here? Will I receive a ban to the sechengen area if I do it?
asked Dec 11, 2019 in Legal advice by gonz94 | 763 views

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Dear @gonz94

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community! 

With my last reply, I sent you a link (https://***.returningfromgermany.de/de/centres) for a search engine for counselling offices specialized on voluntary return. Did you find a respective service and were they able to support you? 

Being enrolled in a voluntary return process normally includes, that participants do not receive an entry ban. But based on the few information you shared, it is quite hard to assess your individual case. 

I would recommend you to contact a respective counselor which might have a better knowledge of the program, services and conditions. 

All the best, 


answered Dec 13, 2019 by Meike
Dear Meike,

Thank you very much for your answer! I have checked the link you shared and found this related to voluntary return programs:

"Supported groups of people
If you (as well as your dependents) belong to one of the following groups of people and lack the means to return voluntarily, you can be assisted with REAG/GARP: asylum seekers, persons who have received a negative asylum notice, persons with a residence permit (e.g. recognized refugees), victims of forced prostitution or human trafficking."

I have not applied for asylum, I came to France for my studies and after I finished them I moved to Germany with a friend before the expiration of my french visa because I did not have a place to stay in france.

With the above mentioned I do not know if I can apply for the programm, I am not an asylum seeker or have residence permit here in germany. That is why my specific question is whether or not I can apply for this voluntary return? Since the visa and residence (already expired) I had is from France.

Thank you again for your attention,


Dear @gonz94

I am sorry, I can not answer that question. But I am sure, that they will give you more information on the concrete requirements already on the phone if you call them. 

You do not need to worry, the services of the independent organisations as Deutsches Rotes Kreuz, Caritas, Diakonie etc. are free and confidential. 

All the best, 


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