Am a duldung holder,I live in Bayern I have a child with a resident permit Para 28, my 1st nd 2nd interview have both negative decision , I have submitted the vaterschaft, sorgerecht nd the birth certificate, which I did with the passport in her city but they still insist on giving them my passport and have already applied for resident in her city also made an Antrag of umverteilung to her city, but the auslanderbehörde in my city insist I must first bring my passport before anything. Please I need help on what to do, because of deportation
asked Aug 1, 2019 in Legal advice by Deprince | 916 views

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Dear @Deprince

Thank you for sharing your situation with the Wefugee Community! 

I closed the second thread you opened, as it contains the same issue. It will be easier and more transparent to keep your questions at one place - I hope it is okay for you. 

I understand that you are in a very difficult situation. And it was already a good step that you recognized the paternity ("Vaterschaft") and made a declaration over the custody for the child ("Sorgerecht"). As there might be a possibility to apply for a regular residence permit, which is depending on many individual factors, I would highly recommend you to seek legal advice, i.e. in a counselling centre, as soon as possible. Please let us know, if you have difficulties in finding one in your area. 

All the best, 


answered Aug 2, 2019 by Meike
Thank you Meike, I live  in Bayern but no counselling center in my city, I tried to find but only found caritas, they told me the same thing ausländerbehorde is saying, but said it's a bit dangerous just to give my passport, but am just confused
Hi Prince, I'm in the same situation right now, can you contact me on 015213691716@Daniel
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