Hello @wefugee, my name is Daniel and I'm holding a duldung. My wife and my kids have a residence permit pursuant 23 Abs 3 aufenthg. But recently the immigration authorities sent to me an application forms for aufenthaltserlaubnis ยง25 Abs 5 aufenthg. When I submitted it to the landratsamt they took my two fingerprint and a pass photo, after they told me when will my national passport be expected. I applied a passport at Ghana embassy in Berlin. I gave the landratsamt the application forms and the receipt cost, but my embassy told me to bring a statement from Ghana High Court that state that Mr Daniel Egyir never done nor attained a Ghanaian passport. But my relatives are afraid to do so, because I have a case with the Ghanaian police and the issue is in court and this might implement them into risk. Since two months still my aufenthaltserlaubnis has not been issued to me. 1)What are my chances of receiving my aufenthaltserlaubnis? 2)what are my chance of getting a substitute passport from the immigration authorities since Ghana embassy don't issue me a passport without statement from the Ghana High Court (affidavits)? 3) can I be deported from my family since they have my birth certificate?
asked Jul 25, 2019 in Legal advice by Daniel Egyir | 904 views

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2 Answers

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Mr. Daniel  sorry I am little bit confused if did you people officially a wife and husband. If the answer is YES so why Authorities are demanding your Passport? Is there any proof you have which can help you if you want to take this matter further.

Secondly,there is issue about you visiting Ghana High commision inorder to apply/obtain for new Passport.Was your Asyl case ended or still going on? What kind of case did you gave to BAMF (do not state you case here please) just think was it based on Politics(like you have problem with any Government department example police etc) or just family matters and so on.

If your case was based on political influence/issues and you decided  to visit Ghana High Commision then its a little bit tricky. Perhaps Landrasamt want to punish you through this mistake.

I am going to be honeslyt and I want to make this very clear so people should not fall in this trap.Because why would I run away from POLICE in Ghana and few years or months later go to Ghanian Embassy looking for Passport? Are you not afraid the Ghanian Gov.anymore??? that is the question Landrasamt will be asking themself.

The issue of you getting a BLUE pass was bigger before you went to a Embassy,I am not saying you dont have a chance no.Perhaps a good lawyer can be able to bild a strong case on this.

The issue of deportation its hard one for me because I dont know if your Asyl case its still running or not.Also its depend on your legal Team how commited they are to defend you and your family.

About the chance of you getting your resident permit is there. Dont give in neither lose your focus.**** after your family and take it easy at this difficult time.What about Ghanian Nation ID card?

answered Jul 25, 2019 by Cockington
Hi @Cockington, my asyl is political. But I got rejected both BAMF and appeal court. I got rejected because of so called safe country of origin. And now I'm using duldung before my two kids born in Germany got a year residence. I submitted both the vaterschaft and the soggerecht to the landratsamt, before the sent me the application form for the residence permit.
0 votes
Bro am from ghana,kindly write me on WhatsApp if you still haven't got Ghana passport and your problem will be solved.015213866334.Thank you
answered Sep 5, 2019 by Tony1111
Sometimes  alot  of Nigerian  also use Ghana pass so master Becarful  maybe  he is not from  Ghana
@kwame .Please Is the high commissioner to Germany job to tell who is a Ghanaian and who is not and point of correction I never said in my message I issue Ghanaian Passport.Thank you
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