Hello dear Wefugee Team!
Thank you for your great job. I v looked everywhere but couldnt find the answer for my question. I dont know why....i really need the answer. I m the mother of a child borned here and who got aufenthaltserlaubnis through his father. But as im not married to her father and gor rejectef first time my rights( still waiting answer from Bamf) become in danger?! My baby borned 28 may 2018 and till now im thinking if I can apply for aufenthaltserlaubnis through child if i have no job here becouse she is only 1 year and need to be under my care. I habe my diplom and after annerkennung + Approbation should start my work as a doctor. But that take some time. Please i really appreciate any help from you. My lower answeres very shortly that   "Voraussetzung für aufenthaltserlaubnis is that my Lebensunterhalt muss gesichert. In your place I would not wait the answer from Bamf"
 The father of my child is not my husband but we are living together. His work is not allowing him to take all responsiblity on me
I hope I could shortly explain what happening now in my life.
Can anyone find a answer please
Thank you so much
asked Jul 4, 2019 in Legal advice by Guly | 444 views
Dear @Guly, Thank you for reaching out to the Wefugee Community! Is your child (his father) German? If so, you should apply for a residence permit according to §28 AufenthG. As far as I know, "die Sicherung des Lebensunterhalts" (ability to cover costs of living) would not be a necessary requirement. Please don't hesitate to get back to us if you want to discuss your situation further. All the best, Meike

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Dear Meike! Thank you so much for your help. The father of my daughter  has aufenthalterlaubnis for 3 years( he is now trying to do niederlasungerlaubnis as he is here 6 years and already filled necessary documents). As about me my lebennsunterhalt covered by social. I want to move forward and start to construct my life here but couldn't find proper answers if I can apply for aufenthalterlaubnis durch kind if I have no job.
Thank you again and hope to hear from you soon
answered Jul 5, 2019 by Guly
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