Hello are there any countries Germany can not deport you to? I hear a typical example is Somalia.
asked Jan 23, 2019 in Asylum proceedings by hafiz123 | 624 views

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2 Answers

+1 vote
They doing ne carefull
answered Jan 24, 2019 by Sohab
+1 vote

Hey there @hafiz123,

This is a very important question, so thank you for asking.

I've done some research and still find it hard to say what countries Germany cannot deport you to.

In principle, if your claim has been rejected, you don't have a legal status and are asked to leave the country, Germany can delay or even suspend your deportation. 

Germany can delay your deportation and give you a "Duldung" if: 

  • the federal state authority suspends your deportation for three months maximum due to "humanitarian and international law" reasons
  • you are in midst of a vocational training; 
  • you have a child that's a minor that has a residence permit; 
  • you are closely related to another person with a "Duldung"; 
  • a doctor has evidence you are suffering from a disease that could worsen after your deportation; 
  • or if you have insufficient travel documents/ other legal reasons apply that hinder your deportation

(Source: https://mediendienst-integration.de/migration/flucht-asyl/abschiebungen.html)

About six days ago, a news article by Tagesschau regarding the current discussion on extending the list of "safe countries of origin" (sichere Herkunftsstaaten) was published: https://***.tagesschau.de/inland/sichere-herkunftsstaaten-113.html

According to asylum law, the legislator is allowed to recognize certain countries as "safe states". That is only possible, if it's clear no political persecution and no inhumane/ humiliating treatment or punishment of people takes place in these countries. 

So: in principal, if there are cases of political persecution against certain population groups, the country is not allowed to be recognized as a "safe state of origin". 

So far, the list of "sichere Herkunftsländer" includes:

  • the member states of the European Union
  • Albania
  • Bosnia-Herzegovina
  • Ghana
  • Kosovo
  • Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic
  • Montenegro
  • Senegal
  • Serbia

Currently, the German government wants to extend the list to include Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Georgia (it's not official yet). 

This may not have been the answer you are looking for, but I hope the sources and information I shared here with you help to understand the current political situation in Germany and how it may affect people seeking asylum.

Feel free to reach out to us again if you have any more questions (also remember: you can use the comment function if your question is related to this answer :-) ) 

Kind regards,


answered Jan 24, 2019 by Isa
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