What and what is criminal offense in Germany .i mean list type of criminal offense in Germany that one can do and be listed as   criminal offense please list.
asked Nov 30, 2018 in Legal advice by Ali112 | 708 views

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1 Answer

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Hey @Ali112,

thanks for sharing your question with us.

I did some research to give you a better understanding of what is considered a criminal offence in Germany and found this website by the Bundeskriminalamt.

If you check the "PCS 2017- Documents", there's a catalogue of criminal offences that you can download.

A few of the things that are considered criminal offences are for example

  • assault
  • possession of drugs
  • fraud
  • damage to property by graffiti
  • computer crime

On the last page (p.44) you can also find a short explanation about the levels of each crime. 

I hope this information helps and please don't hesitate to contact us with any further questions!

Best regards,


answered Dec 5, 2018 by Isa
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