I am a Nigerian, mein name ist Amos. Me and my fiancee are currently processing our German marriage Visa, we are to marry in Germany. The process started July 24th 2018 in Hannover  after i sent the required documents to her. She also paid 660 euro for Verifikation of my Nigeria documents. A Lawyer from the embassy visited 18th of October 2018. She checked my schools, Court and my home, me and my family we filled a form each, The Process is already 4 months. You have any idea how long it will take to get my visa. I was hoping to enjoy the Christmas with her, do you think it is still possible this year?
asked Nov 26, 2018 in Other Questions by Erhusfame | 1,877 views

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2 Answers

0 votes
Dear @Erhusfame, thank you for joining the community. Congrats to the marriage! Four months is not so long, at the moment the waiting time is quite long (upto 6 months), only in cases if you are about to get married in Germany at the Standesamt then they will be processing quick so you can attend the marriage. One more way to process it a bit quicker might be if your wife goes to the Ausländerbehörde/Landratsamt in person and expresses how important it is for the two you to spent christmas together. Best regards, Nilab
answered Nov 28, 2018 by Nilab
0 votes
Thank you so much for quick response, but i see you didn't get me all correct, we are not yet married, we are processing to get marry in Germany, Lawyer from embassy was at my home for the Verifikation of my Nigeria documents last month, the Process is now 4 months.
answered Nov 28, 2018 by Erhusfame
Have you finally done your marriage now? Or are you still in Nigeria?
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