Hallo good day every one,

please I'm asking this question again because up till now I and my wife status has not change,our daughter was granted National deportation ban this year,and before then we all was having a Duldung,and only our daughter status was changed from Duldung to Aufenthalstitel now,and I and my wife are still with Duldung status.and when they grant our daughter Lamdramsamt ask all of us including my daughter to get our country password so as to give us the resident card,but after we submitted the passport only our daughter is having the Aufenthalstitel but we are still with 3 months Duldung,I'm asking this question again because I ask here and you said yes we are getting the same status as our daughter because she's minor child.i will be glad to get more explanation.thanks in advance
asked Nov 12, 2018 in Legal advice by Eddy | 980 views
Ok thank you for your accurate answer,I really appreciate

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1 Answer

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Dear @Eddy

thank you for being such an active part of our community. 

I do understand it is very hard to wait, but as mentioned in my previous answer

1. You can get the same Status as your daughter as she is a minor.
2. The Delay is not unusual, but you could ask how long it might take. I suggest here that you submit the question in written.

However, you need to get in touch with the BAMF and the Ausländerbehörde in written in order to get the same title such as your daughter. This does not happen without you starting the process. 

I hope I could assist you now, if  you need further clearification please do not hesitate to reach out to us. 

Best regards, 


answered Nov 13, 2018 by Nilab
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