I’m an asylum Seeker pregnant for my german boyfriend I would like to know the procedures for getting an acknowledgment of paternity and child custody to both parents in Munich is it the same office or not? And how long it might take and what are the chances of getting resident permit and does the father has to provide his last name?

Thank you very much for your time and response.
asked Nov 5, 2018 in Asylum proceedings by Grace | 740 views
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Dear @Grace, thank you for your question. As for your question: - yes the office is the same Jugendamt for both of you: - due to the child and more important shared custody you will get an Aufenthaltserlaubnis for Germany; - the duration depends on the fact how fast you will have all the documents such as Vaterschaftsanerkennung, Sorgerechterklärung and your Identity documents. I hope this assist you, if further question arise please do not hesitate to contact us. Best regards, Nilab
answered Nov 9, 2018 by Nilab
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