Hello everyone, I have been with my ex for awhile she is German and I am from India.  She is pregnant and for some reasons we had to split. Now she is pregnant with my child and she does not want me to stay in my child's life and she has blocked me from everything. Actually she is for some unknown reasons does not want me to have the child but she wants it all for herself. I am a well educated guy I have a good profile. I have sent her a legal notice and have asked her for DNA test when the child is there and then I am going to file a case for shared custody of the child. My question is, keeping our personal issues in mind still, am I allowed to stay in Germany for my child if its proved by DNA test that the child is mine? P.S I am on a student visa. Help would be appreciated. Thanks
asked Oct 22, 2018 in Legal advice by Jafar | 1,158 views

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Dear @Jafar, thank you for sharing your situation with us in the community. I am very sorry to hear about the issues arising. But as for your question, yes once you have proof that it is your child and you have claimed shared custody then you can apply permission to stay due to a german child. I hope I could answer your question, if you have further question please do not hesitate to ask the community. Best regards, Nilab
answered Oct 23, 2018 by Nilab
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