Hello to all again this time i wuold like to ask how bamf its going to proceed with my case if i apply asyl again and  if i got new facts that my life is in danger in my country after i had a voluntary return in a safe place of origin before 6 months
asked Aug 13, 2018 in Asylum proceedings by Eri | 1,112 views
"in a safe place of origin before 6 months" was your own country or just another third country?
Thanks for your answer ...Yes in a safe country of origin
sorry, your own country ?
I am from Albania sir

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Hello @Eri

Nice to hear from you again.

It's possible to apply for asylum again, it's called a "Folgeantrag". In order to be successful with such a second application you need to provide convincing evidence to prove that your personal situation respectively the situation in your home country changed for the worse since your first application. You have to show that there is new evidence that hasn't been known or taken into account during your first procedure.

Best regards,


answered Aug 13, 2018 by Thor
Thanks a lot again thor im very grateful....i got health problems and since i come back from germany the situation is getting worse can this consider a new fact and can i find any conculing center or advokat to prepare before i go
Medical reasons like an illness that can't be treated properly in your home country can build ground for a successful Folgeantrag.

In order to help you to find a counselling center or a lawyer, can you please tell us where you are currently living?
Thank u very much you are giving us a big help thanks again....i actually im still in my place
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