asked Jan 5, 2017 in Legal advice by Smile | 1,153 views
Hi @smile and welcome in the community. I'm simply adding some hashtags for the language and the topic #marriage #English and linking some people to this question that might have an answer for you. In the meanwhile we get an answer from the community I wish you a good day =)
Hallo at first for marry officially in Germany the person must have all the wright paper :pass ,birth certificate ,Single paper from home Country all translated officially to German language then go to Standesamt . for your question i thing its better to ask lawyer when your friend has all paper .
Thanks @Paolo  Certainly, hashtags will connect more.
@Suzan_HvMzM appreciate for your valuable concerns. I will pass them to my friend. As far as i know,  he has all necessary papers(for marriage). But the main point is all about the local authority. When it comes to the law as whole, it seems easy to go. On the other hand, as for Standesamt seems partially difficult(on the basis of resident permit ). However, he will contact with a family lawyer to handle this things.

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1 Answer

+5 votes
Dear Smile,

1. your friend needs to have all the necessary documents (this differs from Standesamt to Standesamt so he should enquire there which documents they want, they will give him a list), it may be that some must be verified by the German embassy in the Country where he is from.

2. Theoretically he may be required to re-enter Germany again with a visa, but this requirement is normally not made in practice.

3. Given that his application for permission to stay has been rejected he will almost certainly have a hearing about "fake marriage" (Scheinehe) and there may even be further enquiries on this issue.

All in all it is in his case a difficult process and he should seek the help of a lawyer. pls feel free to ask if you have more specific questions on this issue.
answered Jan 6, 2017 by Marcel
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