كيف استطيع تقديم طلب طعن قرار الترحيل عن طريق الانترنت
اخر يوم غدا لتقديم قرار الطعن  غد الجمعة
شكرا جزيلا
asked Dec 8, 2016 in Legal advice by Yusuf_awdat | 975 views
Translation: "How can I file an appeal against the decision of expulsion through the internet? tomorrow is the last day to take a decision on the appeal" Please edit if you can provide a better translation. Stll looking for an answer or somebody to answer.  لا تزال تبحث عن إجابة , هذه ليست سوى الترجمة الانجليزية
Hallo @yusuf-awdat,
المرفق الرسالة مفقود

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2 Answers

0 votes
Hallo Paolo
answered Dec 8, 2016 by Yusuf_awdat
0 votes
thanks you for your interest !!
Best regards .
answered Dec 8, 2016 by Yusuf_awdat
Did you manage to meet that lawyer?
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