Hey guys and girls, I am urgently looking for online communities on facebook and/or popular hashtags on twitter and/or Syrian bloggers where I can get some information about the War and situation in Syria. It would be great to get some links here!
Thank you so much!
asked Dec 2, 2016 in Information & Offers by Juli | 968 views
Hi @juli, I'm asking a friend who's a journalist and is really expert in this matter, I hope to come back to you with a good answer soon =)
Try SyriaDeeply & RefugeeDeeply https://***.newsdeeply.***/

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Nina from Düsseldorf said: " Aljezeera international website, there is a section for syria".

I would also keep an eye on this webpage ****://***.newsnow.co.uk/h/Current+Affairs/War+&+Terrorism/Wars/War+in+Syria that collects all links to the latest news published on this topic

Try these twitter lists as well
answered Dec 4, 2016 by Paolo
Updated with twitter list https://twitter.***/newshour/lists/syria
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