Hello friends, I live in Berlin. I want to learn English and i am looking for B1,B2,C1 books. If you have one of these books i want to buy.
asked Sep 30, 2016 in Information & Offers by Nasir | 1,815 views
#Berlin #English #LearningEnglish #EnglishBooks

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Hi @Nasir,

I can't help you with the books at the moment, but perhaps I can give you a few other tipps to get a grasp on your English.

Consider looking for those books in flee markets or second hand shops in Berlin to spare some money, or check out some public libraries (Bibliotek) in town and perhaps borrow them for some time.

Please check out this website for interesting and useful material from the British Counsil https://goo.gl/hIZsqV
You can find here useful help with exercises, podcasts and grammar.

I can link you to some more useful material, please help yourself, I hope it's going to be useful.
An intermidiete pdf book https://goo.gl/PkgDsn
A collection of links to useful material for different learning levels https://goo.gl/IGcVQO

There are also useful apps and websites (free) that could help you out like Babbels or Duolingo. You need to make sure they offer the platform also in your native language or another language you can understand though.

I would suggest to find a tandem partner here in Berlin: some other people lerning your mother tongue that you could help out while learning English from them. **** on facebook, there are groups especially for that. Also some websites provide a database of people that are willing to do that.

You could also participate in some couchsurfing or language exchange events here in berlin. It shouldn't be too difficult finding something through facebook regarding this, but please if you have problems let me know and I'll try to help you with that as well.

I wish you success with your English learning!

Best of Luck,
answered Oct 3, 2016 by Paolo
Paolo already listed some very useful information. In addition you can try to search for english educational books on ***.ebay-kleinanzeigen.de (for example with the term "lehrbuch englisch" - specify your city for best results btw). Apart from that, if you want to search for a Tandem (which is something I would highly recommend to improve your english) you can try out one of the following websites: https://***.tandempartners.org         ****://***.tandem-berlin.de           https://***.erstenachhilfe.de/tandempartner
And I just saw that there is a flea market with a focus on books by the Museumsinsel every saturday and sunday from 11-17 o'clock. It is located at Am Kupfergraben 1. Maybe you can find some english textbooks there. For further information see: ****://***.berlin.de/special/shopping/flohmaerkte/1998194-1724959-antik-und-buchmarkt-am-bodemuseum.html
Hello @Nasir if you live in Berlin, you can check out these Facebook groups: Free your books Berlin and Swap your books Berlin. There are also lots of English speaking book clubs that you can join. Hope that helps!!
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