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Am in Germany since 9 months and I get the 3 year approval 5 months ago, am now in Schweinfurt Camp. Untill now I didn't find a flat, I prefer a big city which has university, and I will go wherever there is a flat..
P.S I am searching through all the apps websites and friends but didn't find untill now..
Thank you.
asked May 20, 2016 in Home & Living by Saam | 1,045 views
Hi Saam. That sounds frustrating- it can really drive a person crazy searching through so many websites day after day. So your priorities are that it is a big city and that it has a University. Do you have a preference for what kind of programs the university should offer? Also, would you be open to living in a shared flat?
Hello Julia.. Yes it made me so upset to search and search with not finding.. I prefer any big city with university because am pharmacist and I would like to work and study for Master and Phd after finishing the German language first..So am searching for University with higher education programs in medical fields like Medicinal, Biotechnology or similar.. And I prefer to find a flat alone..
Thank you for your response
Oh the first priority is that to be in big city and its peter southren one.. because I will study German first and try to equavilate my certificate during that so I can start work as soon as I can then I will search for University approval for study..

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2 Answers

+1 vote
Hi Saam,

Here are some options on cities and websites where you can **** for housing. I hope it´s helps you to get started!


Freiburg University Medical Center (****://***.uni-freiburg.de/universitaet-en/uniklinik)
The city isn´t huge but it is in the south of Germany!

Apartments in Freiburg:

Resources where you could get in touch with groups in Freiburg, and search for an apartment in that way:


Medical School: https://leipzigmedicalschool.de/


The first website looks especially good! There is support provided in the whole process.


Medical School: https://***.carl-remigius.de/standorte/frankfurt-am-main/


Pro ASYL is based in Frankfurt am Main and may be able to provide assistance:

Caritas also for assistance. Contact info is at the bottom of the page:

Also if you find a city that you are confident about wanting to move to, it may not be a bad idea to find a room/apartment as a "zwischenmieter", so that you are then in the city while you are searching. I think that can make a big difference in what you find as well as your likelihood of getting the apartment.
answered May 25, 2016 by julia.d
Thank you very much Julia for your effort.. hope I will find by these sites and I will let you know when I find..
super! let me know what you think and I´m happy to do more research
0 votes
answered May 21, 2016 by Kenan
Dear Kenan I wrote THAT I searched ALL websites and didn't find !! Anyway thx for your answer.
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