hello everybody
i need some advices about places which i could ask for volunteering job in Stuttgart city.
i speak english, Arabic, and some German.
I'm here from about 1 year. and in this year i have made alot of things which is related to refugees. it was so hard and full of strees and sometimes frustrating. but i had to do all of things alone because there was no one to help. thats gave me some experiences later.  like filling some papers for sozialamt. registration in jobcenter. opening bank accounts. asking for Vormundschaft. papers for family reunion. health ensures. Zdf antrag auf befreiung. and alot of other things.
so I'm wondering about where could i find a place to use this experience as a volunteer to helo the other refugees and to help the government offices or NGOs in Stuttgart.
i prefer the times in the morning. because my course will start next month and it would be after 12 pm o'clock
and thanks you so much
asked May 14, 2016 in Activities by noah | 2,710 views
Tayyib...andi al fikra: Offer to volunteer in your spare time at the  "Deutsches Rotes Kreuz" (It's similar to the "Red Crescent") in Stuttgart. They have had good experiences with refugees who volunteer for them. Here is an article to read about this: ****://***.fluechtlingshilfe-bw.de/projekte/arbeit-aus-und-weiterbildung/drk-stuttgart/

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3 Answers

+3 votes
Hello Noah,

some proposals, ask if you can help, I'm quite sure your help is appreciated:

DASDING - Helping refugees in Stuttgart: ****://bit.ly/1VWOyEa
Facebook Group "Refugess - Welcome to Stuttgart: ****://bit.ly/1VWOsfS
Flüchtlingsrat Baden-Württemberg - Adressen in Stuttgart: ****://bit.ly/1VWOEvv
It's a long list, **** for keyword "Freundeskreis", these are essentially volunteer organizations.
Many of the organisations listed here have own homepages, take a **** what they need the most.

And keep on supporting Wefugees!

Regards, Jan
answered May 14, 2016 by Jan
Hello jan
thanks alot for this infos. i will make some searches about this links. i thinks thats so useful. and for sure i would keep supporting wefugee if my infos was helpful to make it as posts
with my regards
+2 votes
Hi Noah!

That´s a great idea to use your experiences to help others. Continuing to do these things for others will certainly help with your German skills, too. There´s nothing like papierkram to get into the swing of things ;)

Jan´s suggestions are great (thanks, Jan!), and it´s likely that once you get started reaching out to these groups, you will meet more and more people. Another idea is to have a little flyer with your contact information to give people directly - word of mouth can spread quickly!

We also have a new section here on Wefugees called "Information & Offers" - feel free to post there including your location and the best way for people to contact you :)

answered May 18, 2016 by julia.d
Hallo Julia
it's also a nice idea.
i would see how my informations would be helpful if i made it as posts also in wefugee.
thanks alot :)
+1 vote
Schau mal hier... Vielleicht ist Ludwigsburg auch für Dich erreichbar!
answered May 21, 2016 by rosanesi
Vielen Dank ☺
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