Hello, I need to go to the Bamf, but I am not sure which bus shall I take? I live in Karlshorst. Thank you for the help.
asked Oct 5, 2015 in Asylum proceedings by Tata | 421 views

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2 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
Hallo Tata,

You have many possibilities to go to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bamf) from where you live, I took screen shots of some possible journeys (see attached), do not **** at the time of course ;)
You need more or less 1h-1h30 to get there.
answered Oct 5, 2015 by Petra M.
+2 votes
Hey Tata, I have to admit it's not a short way from Karlshorst. I attached a screenshot of how to get there. For a different time see ***.bvg.de, type Karlshorst in the first field and Kinkeplatz in the second.
From there it is really close to walk.

The adress of the bamf is Askanierring 106, 13587 Berlin.
It is open from 8am - 3pm. Mo - Tue, 8am - 2pm Friday.
answered Oct 5, 2015 by Nico
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