Hello everyone

I recently welcomed my son with my fiancee who is a German citizen. We're waiting for the Standesamt to issue the birth certificate (all relevant documents have been submitted and we've been told to wait 8weeks). However, my lawyer has officially applied for a resident permit for me(28)...I have filled all documents and waiting for an appointment date from the Ausländerbehörde. I have a masters degree in Technology Management and would like to apply for jobs .I plan on making myself clear if I get any job offers I'm waiting for a response from the Ausländerbehörde have an official letter sent by my lawyer to them requesting for a residence permit on my behalf). Is it possible to present this letter at any job interview I will present my official residence permit on a later day when all is set. What do you guys advise)
asked Apr 30 in Work by Alan065 | 143 views

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1 Answer

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Hi @Alan065

I assume you have not already had a residence permit for another reason (e.g. work or studies) up until now? If so, the authorities can issue you with a paper called a Fiktionsbescheinigung, with which you can work.

If you have not already had a permit, you can be issued with another type of Fiktionsbescheinigung but will not be allowed to work until a decision is made on your application.

Yes, you can either show your letter of application or the temporary Fiktionsbescheinigung at any job interview you have so they know the process has been started.



answered May 17 by mbeon-Éanna
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