I am asking on behalf of my friend. He got a duldung and was asked to get the passport but it is very risky for him to visit his embassy to get passport and now he is extremely scared and stressed also he is married and his spouse's case is still pending in bamf but their marriage is not registered in germany. In germany they are considered as live in partnership. Now what happens if my friend leaves germany. What are the consequences he had to face and what will be the consequences for his spouse?
asked Dec 3, 2022 in Asylum proceedings by Ny | 319 views

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3 Answers

0 votes

Dear @Ny,

Regarding your friend leaving Germany, I am not really able to answer what consequences he has to face. It depends to what other country he would go, what residence status he would have there and whether he would wish to return to Germany at some point.

If he has been in Germany for 5 years, then he could be entitled to the new ‘Chance’ residency permit for people who have a Duldung and have been in Germany at least 5 years.

Have they tried to have their marriage registered in Germany? If their marriage is not recognised by Germany, could they try to instead get married in Germany? Your friend could then possibly in future be able to have a residence permit as a family member if his wife receives a status here.

If he leaves Germany, the only potential consequence I can think of for his wife is if they are living together in an apartment provided for by the Sozialamt. If he leaves, the Sozialamt may then ask her to move out and into a larger housing facility to free up the apartment for other couples/families.



answered Dec 6, 2022 by mbeon-Éanna
0 votes
Hello Èanna,

Thanks alot for your prompt answer. Currently they are living in private apartment for which landratsamt is paying. Is it possible that landratsamt ask the wife to **** for another smaller apartment. Also does she have to inform anyone about her husband leaving or does it happen automatically. Their marriage is not registered in germany as my friend cannot connect anyone from his home country. The wife is well integrated and have b1 language skill she wants to learn further and would like to work will landratsamt support her till she finds a work or does she jave to leave the apartment and find a smaller one?
answered Dec 6, 2022 by Ny
0 votes
For the new chance residence permit, is it necessary to get the passport or is it also possible to clarify the identity with other identification documents from home country
answered Dec 6, 2022 by Ny
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