Hello is my first time here and I hope that you can help me.

Currently I'm living in a camp or first facility in Dresden with my mom while we're waiting for the interview at BAMF.

My mom is 83 years old, she have some health issues as you know the life in this places could be very difficult for us mainly because of the unsanitary bathrooms, my mother refuses go to the bathroom, which has led to her peeing and pooping on herself, she doesn't want to bathe either due to the lack of privacy, she doesn't want to get out of bed every day is worst and worst and everything start since we arrived to this place.  I asked for her medical attention because she need go to differents doctors even she have a ball inside her belly but they only said that we need to wait.... Could you please help me to find the correct form and the correct address that I need to send a request to be relocated to an aparment in the same Landkreis Dresden? I already talked with an employee in Caritas without successful she said the same that I must wait but I would like to make the request by my self so please please could you help me?
asked Nov 27, 2022 in Home & Living by lesliekbz | 748 views
Hello and welcome to Wefugees. We are very sorry to hear about your situation. If I understand you correctly, it is urgent to move your mother to an accommodation (Unterkunft) for her needs. I will do some research and also contact the German Red Cross, maybe I can find out more there. What do the people who work in the Accommodation say about your situation? Can they help you? And Caritas told you you have to wait, do you mean for the surgery date or for a medical consultation? Unfortunately, as far as I know, such an operation appointment usually cannot take place earlier. I will also link @mbeon-éanna here, he is in Leipzig and therefore knows the peculiarities of the federal state quite well, he can certainly give you further tips. Saskia
And did you apply the Umverteilungsantrag?
Hello thank you for your answer, unfortunately I didn't apply to the Umverteilungsantrag because I don't have the form and the address to send it I don't know how to do it, I went to Caritas for help and they said that we must wait that I can't send any Umverteilungsantrag that's why I asked you for help in this thema please.

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Dear @lesliekbz,

I am sorry to read of your mother’s situation. I encourage you to apply to request to be housed in an apartment. To my knowledge, there is not a specific form in Dresden for this but you can write a letter to application to request it. It is called ‘Antrag auf dezentrale Unterbringung’ (Application to be accommodated in an apartment).

Each federal state in Germany has its own particular rules about accommodating asylum seekers. In Saxony the law allows for individuals to be housed outside the reception centre earlier than usual if there are humanitarian grounds to take into consideration. That means your mother should not wait to apply for this.

Here is the text of the law that is relevant in your case (via online translation):

§ 1a

Obligation to live in the reception facility

(1) On the basis of Section 47 (1b) of the Asylum Act, foreign nationals shall, in derogation of Section 47 (1) of the Asylum Act, be obliged to reside in the reception facility responsible for their reception until the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees has reached a decision on the application for asylum and, in the event that the application for asylum is rejected as manifestly unfounded or inadmissible, until they leave the country or until the threat or order of deportation has been carried out, but for no longer than 18 months. Sentence 1 shall not apply to cases pursuant to Section 47 (1a) of the Asylum Act .

(2) Paragraph 1 sentence 1 shall not apply to:

1. Families and other guardians with minor children and women traveling alone,

2. Persons with serious physical illnesses or mental disorders and persons who have suffered torture, rape or other serious forms of psychological, physical or sexual violence,

3. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual and intersex persons and persons belonging to persecuted ethnic or religious minorities.

(3) Foreign nationals covered by subsection (1), first sentence, may be distributed and assigned from the reception facility before the expiry of 18 months, in particular if this is necessary taking into account the available capacity of the reception facility, in the case of special migration situations or in particularly serious individual cases.

Here’s the original German text:


Depending on the details of your family’s situation, you can apply to be housed in an apartment under one of these subsections.

The address to send the application to is:

Unterbringung (SG)

Landeshauptstadt Dresden

Postfach 12 00 20
01001 Dresden

Or by email to: sozialamt@dresden.de

The application should be in German and in your mother’s name. It should set out in detail her personal circumstances and why the conditions in your current housing are unacceptable for her. Due to the seriousness of the situation, I would set them a deadline to respond to you. You should include evidence of any medical conditions.

If you need assistance in writing the application, I advise you to contact an advisory service in Dresden. Here is an overview of the services you could ask:


If they turn down your application, you have the option of taking legal action.

I hope you find a solution to your situation, let us know if you have any other questions.



answered Nov 29, 2022 by mbeon-Éanna
Hello Mr. @mbeon-Éanna, thank you very much for your answer. I wrote them a letter and I didn't received any answer, nothing, today I had to call an ambulance because she is very weak and today she had some kind of stroke was an emergency... in this place are not good at all for her, the spicy and frozen food, they relocate us in a 3rd. Floor and she can't walk properly what else can I do? Because I didn't received anything I don't even know if they create some file number for my request. I hope you can answer me soon.
You’re very welcome. How long ago did you send them the letter? Do you have any confirmation of sending it (e.g. from the post office)? Did someone help you to write it in German and did you outline in detail your mother’s situation? Did you provide any medical documentation to support your case? Have you sought assistance from any of the organisations in Dresden I linked to in my answer? If you provide a bit more detail then I can better know how to help.

Here is the telephone number for the relevant office at the Sozialamt: 0351-4881421

You or someone who speaks German could call them to at least confirm they have received your letter.

Alternatively, you can write to them again and request that they issue you with a written decision on your application.
Hello again Mr. @mbeon-Éanna, I sent the letter on November 29 5 weeks ago, I only have the PRIO tracking number, I didn't sent any medical support because the documents that I have are in Spanish also she didn't received any medical support in the place that we live and and the closest date that I find a medical appointment was for March 2023 so I wasn't able to provide nothing to them. I don't have any assistance or support from any organisations in Germany, a friend that speak a little bit German Help me to write the lettler.
Could anyone help you in trying to call the number I provided above? You mentioned having spoken to the Caritas before, this is something they could do on your behalf. Alternatively there is the list of organsiations I provided above. It's difficult for me to offer much more concrete help as I'm based in Leipzig, not Dresden. Do try and get help there first but if no-one is willing to help you with this let me know.
Hello Mr. @mbeon-Éanna, Unfortunately I have not managed to get any help from anyone and I have not received any response either. I sent a similar letter again but this time I attached all my mother's German medical reports, the medicines and the following medical appointments and I have an empfangsbestätigung from January 12 and an empfangsbestätigung from January 17 that I sent the same information again, However, we are already in February and I haven't even received a response with a file number or at least saying that they received the information, just nothing... Should I send it by Email too? Thank you and sorry for the bother.

Dear @lesliekbz,

It’s no bother, that’s what we’re here for. At this point the situation has been going on since at least mid-November when you first wrote. From your description, your mother is a vulnerable person in an unsuitable living environment. You have submitted the application to move and supporting medical documentation. I do not see any reason to wait any longer.

I have provided the phone number for the Sozialamt above. Did you or anyone else contact them? That would be the quickest way to hopefully resolve this. If that doesn’t work, I recommend you go and get some advice at this organisation.


They can assist with such matters free of charge. They speak English and other languages.

I’m happy to help also but as I am based in Leipzig it makes it slightly more difficult. Please do try to get some assistance form organisations based in Dresden. If, however, you are able to find any, please contact me via the mbeon app and I can see what I can do from here.

Hello Mr. @mbeon-Éanna, Just yesterday they answer me, Could you please give your feedback? was the follow message: Sehr geehrte Frau ******, wir haben Ihre Briefe erhalten und Ihre, darin enthaltenen Anliegen, an die Kollegen der Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung der Landesdirektion Sachsen übermittelt. Das Sozialamt der Landeshauptstadt Dresden kann zu Ihrer Anfrage derzeit keine Entscheidung treffen. Bitte wenden Sie sich mit Ihrer Anfrage an die Landesdirektion Sachsen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Regina Pörschke SB Unterbringung Grundsatz Landeshauptstadt Dresden Geschäftsbereich Arbeit, Soziales, Gesundheit und Wohnen | Sozialamt | Abt. Wohnungsfürsorge/Integration Telefon 0351-4884878 | rpoerschke@dresden.de Junghansstraße 2, 01277 Dresden | Postfach 120020, 01001 Dresden sozialamt@dresden.de | ***.dresden.de | ***.facebook.de/stadt.dresden

Hi @lesliekbz,

Thanks for updating us, However, as this is a public internet forum, I would ask you to please remove the personal information (name) included in the above comment.

The message means they have forwarded your request to the central authorities in Saxony responsible for the accommodation of asylum seekers. This office is in Chemnitz.

You can contact this office like so:

Landesdirektion Sachsen - Dienststelle Chemnitz - Altchemnitzer Straße 41, 09120 Chemnitz

Telefon: 0371 5320

E-Mail: post@lds.sachsen.de

That is the contact information for the main office. The specific section responsible for your issue is Division 6, Department 64 (in German Abteilung 6, Referat 64). I advise you to call the Landesdirektion and ask to speak with this office. If you need help, I recommend going to the Ausländerrat in Dresden, the organsation I previously linked to.

Hello Mr. @mbeon-Éanna, today my mother received a positive answer from BAMF. "4. Das Abschiebungsverbot des S 60 Abs.5 des Aufenthaltsgesetzes liegt vor." Unfortunetly we still are in the same place (Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung), now in this situation do you know if now can she make a new application to another instance to move to an apartment here in Dresden? Also I would like to know what are the next steps to get her documents from her country back and get her new residence ID, etc.
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