asked Jun 6, 2022 in Legal advice by Daniel Egyir | 607 views
Dear @wefugee, I have been staying together with my wife and children in Germany for 5 years. My wife and kids have been granted ban of deportation with a valid residence permit since 2019. The Auslanderbehode threatened to deport me to my home country despite having an appeal in court for Subsequent asylum application.

In Sep 2021 I moved to Italy and I was granted 2 years humanitarian residence permit.

please can I move and stay together with my family in Germany. Please I will be glad to hear from you back
Dear @Daniel Egyir, welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us again. I'm going to link our expert and dear colleague @mbeon-Éanna here, maybe she can have a **** at your question and get back to you shortly with some legal advice. Best regards, Julia

And also my dear colleagues and experts @mbeon-Ruth and @mbeon-Gabriele as well. Maybe they can help you with an answer.  All the best, Julia.

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1 Answer

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Good day @Egyir,
I'm glad you turned to WeFugees with your question. Your desire to live with your family here in Germany is really very understandable and I understand that this is stressing you out. I suspect that in the 5 years you have lived here in Germany with your family, you have already tried out a few ways. At the same time, even the little information you have given indicates a more complicated situation in terms of residence law, which cannot be answered satisfactorily and seriously without more detailed information.
I therefore recommend that you either contact a local refugee counselling centre in your family's place of residence for support or contact a specialist counsellor at the MBEON app. There you can also ask and discuss all the necessary questions online in a private and privacy-protected room. I hope that these ways will be helpful to you. I wish you and your family all the best.
Kind regards
answered Jun 14, 2022 by mbeon-Gabriele
Thank you for your answer @mbeon-Gabriele!
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