Hi, my brother lives in Germany and has not seen his family for about 8 years.
He is suffering from severe depression and anxiety that has disrupted his whole life. How can I help him find a good psychotherapist or someone who can do something can come and see us?
asked May 30, 2022 in Healthcare by Moon_7th | 604 views
We are sorry to hear that! I'll put together some links for you and I'm on it to answer the question.
Can you tell me where your brother is currently located in Germany, so in which city or area?

Best regards

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3 Answers

0 votes

I did some research for your brother and found a list of therapists in Germany here. 

After the first 18 months in Germany, refugees are most of the times entitled to medical care that corresponds to the health care of other legally insured persons. However, this regulation also means that psychotherapy can only be carried out by therapists who are licensed by the health insurance fund.

Since there are too few psychotherapists with a health insurance license to adequately treat the large number of asylum seekers, the so-called Asylum Package I in October 2015 expanded the possibility of authorizing psychotherapists in the licensing regulation for physicians.

On this page you will find a selection of authorized psychotherapists and psychosocial centers who have provided their contact details. If you are looking for psychotherapeutic treatment, you can contact them directly.


In the list you will find phone numbers or e-mail addresses. If your brother needs further help in contacting us, please let us know. We will be happy to try for you if we know in which city or town we should try. Also, has your brother already had the opportunity to learn German? 

There are also psychosocial centers. These very often work together with translators. There are 47 psychosocial centers in Germany. Here is a list: https://***.baff-zentren.org/hilfe-vor-ort/psychosoziale-zentren/

I continue to think about it and also like to check again with us in the community if similar questions have already been asked. If you have any questions or need help contacting us we are here for you. We can help you more specifically if we know where to ****, but of course we still hope to have helped you already. 
I would also like to link our expert @meike here. 

With best regards 

answered May 31, 2022 by Saskia Wefugees
0 votes
Hello dear Saskia
My brother has learned German well and has a steady job at an architecture firm.
But lately, he is very emotionally disturbed and suffers from severe anxiety.
He is being treated in a psychotherapy clinic, but it is certainly difficult for him to be away from his family for 8 years.
My brother lives in Ludigshafen, Rhineland.
He has not yet received the necessary documents to travel and see his family.
We are very worried and I ask you to check his documents and if possible he can come home and see us .
answered Jun 5, 2022 by Moon_7th
0 votes

Dear @Moon_7th,

I am sorry to hear that your brother is struggling so much. Whether he is allowed to travel to his country of origin or not is depending on the type of residence permit he is holding. I would strongly recommend him to contact a refugee/migration counseling office in Ludwigshafen to discuss all these issues and questions. There are several organizations which offer free of charge and confidential advisory services. One of them is the Diakonie or the Caritas. You can follow the link for more details (in German though).

All the best for you and your brother,


answered Jun 11, 2022 by Meike
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