Hi all, I'm reaching out here again for your help. 

I've been in accommodation for some days but I don't like it here, it's always so noisy and I'm tired. I don't feel comfortable in my accommodation, who can I turn to?

asked Apr 14, 2022 in Home & Living by Alina92 | 373 views
Hi again Alina,

could you please tell us where you are? If you don't want to post your place, you can contact me on mbeon..

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2 Answers

0 votes
Hello again @Alina,

I've just seen that you are situated in Munich. There is a network of volunteers called MFWH (Münchner Freiwillige - Wir helfen) close to the main station, which will help you to find a private accommodation in Munich.Due to their work overload, we were asked not to send people there without appointment. Please ask one of the social workers in your accommodation to make an appointment for you.

I hope my answers were helpful and I’ll be very pleased if you contact me again with further questions. I'm a member of the mbeon-staff and I‘ll be glad to guide over a longer period of time. mbeon is an online advisory service for migrants via the mbeon-app, which you can download on your smartphone for free. You'll find me in the mbeon-app under my location „München” and then my name “Frau Müller“ and get confidential one-to-one advice in a safe virtual room where nobody can read messages. For further information please visit ***.mbeon.de.

Best regards

answered Apr 14, 2022 by mbeon-Christine
0 votes

Hey there! 

Many people in Germany and Europe are currently offering accommodation to people from Ukraine free of charge.
Please be careful of dubious offers and alert the police (phone: 110) if you feel unsafe. Minors may not be privately housed without their families under any circumstances. In such cases, the police or the youth welfare office (Jugendamt) should be notified. The violence against women support hotline provides free telephone advice on the number 08000 116 016 or by e-mail and online chat in 17 languages, including Russian.

You may also be housed in an immigration reception centre or emergency accommodation provided by the individual federal states. Please ask your local immigration authority or the police for an address. You do not need to apply for asylum to receive housing.
If you have been issued with a residence permit in accordance with Section 24 of the Residence Act (Aufenthaltsgesetz) and need somewhere to stay, the social security authorities will cover the costs of appropriate accommodation. The social security authorities will determine whether these requirements are met. You should find out about this before renting accommodation.

Add links of best locations:

I hope I could help you and wish you only the best! Sleep well :)


answered Apr 14, 2022 by Jan Vo.
mbeon App

Confidential one-on-one consultations via App

For confidential one-on-one consultations in a secure virtual space, we work with mbeon. You can download the mbeon app free of charge from the App Store or Google Play Store and have private conversations with mbeon consultants there:

Link for iPhone
Link for Android

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