I have been in the temporary camp for a month and have only had one interview. People here they get transferred to the same state we are in . I want to go to a different state where my sister lives. Is it possible to ask them to transfer me to another state so i could be closer to my sister?
asked Jan 9, 2022 in Asylum proceedings by Azad003 | 381 views

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Dear @Azad003,

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for sharing your question with us.

Unfortunately, the freedom of movement of asylum seekers is restricted and they have no right to choose their place of residence. See more information on the German "EASY" system, which regulates the geographical distribution of asylum seekers here. Exceptions may apply for hardship cases and, for instance, for family reunifications. I am afraid, however, that the latter cases only have a chance to get the permission to move to another federal state, if it applies to the very close family (spouses and minor children) and not to (adult) sibblings. 

I am sorry that I can not give you more positive information. But I will also link my dear colleagues @mbeon-fardeen and @mbeon-Christine here. Do you agree on my explanations and/or is there anything you would like to add?

In any case, please also don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered Jan 23, 2022 by Meike
Are there any other ways such as getting a job in a different state or doing an Ausbildung?
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