Asylum producer
asked Sep 27, 2021 in Healthcare by Hakeem | 1,589 views

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Dear @Hakeem

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for your question! 

No! Your doctor is not allowed to forward your medical file or any information to the BAMF if you have not given him/her the permission to do so. Medical staff is required to work confidentially by law - even if people are considered as staying in Germany "illegally". Did this happen to you? 

Best wishes, 


answered Sep 27, 2021 by Meike
Dear @Mike,thank you for the fast respond. No it doesn't happen to me I was just asking, I was at my hearing/interview I told BAMF about my health situation and they said to me they'll contact my doctor so I was asked if my doctor can gives update about my status to them without my knowledge..
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