
im a syrian citizen living in gulf ... i want to seek asylum in germany but my chances of going there is higher if i apply for student visa

my issue is the blocked account which you have to open an account in a german bank for 10000 euro ... now i can loan this money and put it in the account to complete the procedures but the problem is if i reach germany i'll be left with no to little money because this money in the blocked account is not for me and i have to return it to a friend whose gonna loan me that kind of money

because the authorities here took most of my savings and making my life really hard because of my political opinion

will the german authorities take care of me until i settle down and find a proper job. and i have no issue with giving back everthing they give me ?
asked Jul 2, 2020 in Asylum proceedings by Kioshima | 806 views

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2 Answers

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am i going to get a reply on my answer?
answered Jul 5, 2020 by Kioshima
0 votes

Dear @Kioshima

thanks for sharing your question with us. 

if you come with the student visa to Germany and you have a blocked account, the German government will not help you financially. The reason, why the German government wants you to have a blocked account in a bank in Germany and give the proof of that to the German foreigners office, is that you won't need the government's financial help during your study period in Germany. The amount, which you must deposit in the bank is 10.236 Euro, and that is meant to be your expenditure for the first year of your study in Germany.  According to BAFöG (Federal Education Promotion Act) of Germany, the current monthly expenditure of a student in Germany is 853 Euro. From this account (10.236 Euro) you will not be able to draw more than 853 Euro per month, unless you have deposited more than 10.236 Euro for the whole year in your account. However, the good thing is that as a student you are allowed to work 120 full days or 240 half days per year beside your study in Germany.

I hope my answer was useful for you and I'll be very pleased if you contact me again with further questions. I'm a member of the MBEON-staff  and I‘ll be glad to guide you over a longer period of time. Mbeon is an online consultancy for migrants via  the mbeon-app, which you can install on your smartphone for free. Download it via App Store or Google Play Store. You'll find me In the mbeon-app under my name „München, Herr Noori“ and get confidential one-to-one advice in a safe virtual room where nobody can wiretap messages. Further information: ***.mbeon.de

With kind regards, 

Fardeen Noori

answered Jul 10, 2020 by mbeon-fardeen
my situation is really bad ... and i cant discuss it in details here or any other platform

but when i initially applied to the student visa my situation was amazing and i was well off financially unfortunately right after i applied the intelligence authorities where im living started to harass me based on false reports from an informant and they threatened me with deporting and fabrication charges. my question is that can i apply for asylum at this point but i got no tangible proof i only have names of the people who were responsible for all of this.
Dear @Kioshima, do you mean asylum seeking in Germany because as you said, you are still in Gulf? If you mean Asylum seeking in Germany, when you are in Germany, you have the right to apply for asylum. It is always not a must to have proof for everything, if it has not been possible to have one and if you can explain the case properly and give good reasons for that. If you contact me through MBEON, it is safer, because no one else other than me can read what you write to me. Kind Regards Fardeen
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