My mental as well as my inner peace is being broken and disturbed. Our flatmate is not at all cooperative! Despite of knowing that I am a student, my mother is sick and I need to study, intentionally she plays loud music, just bangs the door and speak so loudly. I badly want to move out. By the way I got my ausbildung, hope it can help me to move out. Top of that the young boys play with football and will hit the ball against my window. It disturbs me a lot and my privacy has been total cut off. I live in the ground floor, therefore, the room from outside is totally visible to others.
asked Jun 25, 2020 in Home & Living by Sidra | 697 views

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Dear @Sidra

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us. 

For a tailored answer on your question we might need some more details. 

In general, if you are financing the rent by yourself and you don’t have the official obligation to live in a reception Centre, you are free to move (please consider that you also need to stay in the same city/district with a so-called “Wohnsitzauflage”). Of course you would always need to register yourself with your new address. 

However, if you are receiving social benefits from the Jobcenter or “Sozialamt” (Asylbewerberleistungen) and you want to move to another flat, you will need the permission of that respective authority. They will check if the moving is necessary from their perspective and if the rent and size is adequate. 

I hope this helps and please don’t hesitate to get back to us if you want to discuss your case further. 

All the best, 


answered Jun 26, 2020 by Meike
Thank you for your kind reply. At the moment yes, the sozial amt is paying. But from October Sozialamt will stop financing my needs. As my ausbildung will begin from October. The authorities in Rathaus knows this that I got the ausbildung .Therefore, I asked whether moving is possible.
Yes, I will be financing the rent by myself.
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