Dear  wefugees team ,

I have severely disability card (Schwerbehindertenausweis 50%) I am working in a company since 3 and Half years. What are my rights as I am holding Beschäftigung Duldung at the Moment.

I heard that I have 5 extra holidays in year but I never get it from my company . Is there any benefits regarding Tex returns.

I will be very thankful if someone can answer and clarify lt to me . Other question I completed three semesters  of international business as a dular student in DHBW university and I applied for Beschäftigung Duldung and i got it last month . After getting the Beschäftigung Duldung the Ausländer Behörde advised me that i should Work 35 hours a week in order to keep this Beschäftigung Duldung and they Took my study permission. They advised me to complete my remaining study as a distance learning. I search few universities but they are offering courses in German language and I studied international business in English language.

Can anyone recommend me university where I can complete my remaining three semesters.

The distance learning university are charging a lot of money as a tuition fees which I can’t afford. I am interested to finish my study as a distance learning. Your comments will be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance
closed with the note: I want to hide my identity
asked Mar 18, 2020 in Legal advice by Sam Sam | 458 views

2 Answers

0 votes

Hello Khan,

Thank you for reaching out to the Wefugees community. 

I will give you some informations about  tehe disabilitycard. You have the following rights:

1. You have additional 5 days holidays

2. You have a special

protection against dismissal of the job
3. You don't have to work overtime
4. You have a tax-free allowance

There are other benefits. This also depends on whether you have a characteristic in your ID (e.g. G)
Do you have a work council in your company? Theiy can also give you more informations about your rigthts as a handicaped person.

I hope my answers were helpful and I would be very happy if you would contact me again with further questions. I'm a consultant with mbeon and I‘ll be glad to help you over a longer period of time. Mbeon is an online advice for migrants via the mbeon app, which you can install on your smartphone for free. Download it from App Store or Google Play Store. You can find me in the mbeon app and get confidential individual advice in a secure virtual space without other people reading our conversation. Further information: ***.mbeon.de.
Best regards,

Your mbeon advisor


answered Mar 19, 2020 by manrhei-mbeon
Thank you so much for your time and reply . I have handover my severe handicap 50% disability card to my company management and they told me that this year I can get 3 extra holidays and from next year I can get 5 holidays .
Regarding the tax free allowance. Can you please tell me where I can claim for it as I am having this disability card since two years but I have handed over today to my company management. I will be thankful to you if you could assist me in tax free allowance. Where I have to apply for it or my company will automatically apply for it .
Thanks in advance
0 votes
Hello Khan,

with a degree of disability of 50% you will receive a tax allowance of 570 € yearly.

To do this, you have to apply to the responsible tax office (Finanzamt) for a "Lohnsteuerermäßigung".

Another option is to provide information about the severe disability in the tax return (Steuererklärung). Thi. For this, a copy of the disabled person's ID must be presented.

This would still be possible for 2019, provided that the severe disability was determined in that year. Then you will receive the allowance for the whole year.

I hope, I can help you with this information.

Best regards

answered Mar 20, 2020 by manrhei-mbeon
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