I am a student, studying in Italy, after completion of my studies I don't want to go back to my country due to many reasons, Can I apply for asylum at Italy??
asked Nov 9, 2019 in Other Questions by Masihullah | 799 views

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2 Answers

+1 vote

generally, you can apply for asylum in Italy. It is a EU-country and the asylum procedure is regulated by the EU-guidelines, so I beleive, the authorities in Italy are obliged to take and procede your application. How this procedure is arranged in detail, you better ask in a special councelling center for asylum seekers and migrants in Italy (the best - in the area where you live). Perhaps they can recommend you some other possibilities to stay through finding word or further qualifying. For asylum you generally must have very serious reasons. The praxis of acception or rejection of the asylum applications from different countries differs sometimes very strongly in different EU-countries, therefore you must ask local consultants if you can have a good chance. Do it before you make your asylum application.
answered Nov 10, 2019 by Alla_fka
Can you please answer my question as well?
Hallo, I don't understand what question you meant. You write here in another person's discussion.
0 votes

Dear @Masihullah

if you are looking for information about the asylum procedure in Italy in general you can find them via this link. You can download the information sheet in whatever language you are most comfortable with:


If you are looking for even more information you can also check out this link. You can download a country report about the legal framework and all the information related to asylum in Italy. I know that it is a very long document but if you wanna take a deeper **** in how the procedure works it might be helpful for you: 


All the best


answered Nov 14, 2019 by InfoVerbund
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