asked Mar 20, 2019 in Other Questions by Joe | 2,216 views
Yes it’s possible but you make Vaterschaft? Und Sorgerecht?
Yes I did but now I got my passport so i will like to change the surname for my baby
You take Geburtsurkunde of your chil from Standesamt? Whare are you from ?
Yes you Allow to change everything but I think first Standamt send your Geburtsurkunde to your county for verification then they change everything
So if I didn't put my name in all papers then is not going to be possible for my permit?
No you must have to put your name in Geburtsurkunde of your child ,without your name in Geburtsurkunde or sorgricht you don’t get Aufenthaltstitel

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6 Answers

0 votes
Your name in Geburtsurkunde? Of your child? You Allready? Done it’s ?
answered Mar 20, 2019 by Garry
No please ,my baby use the surname of the mother because I don't have a passport but I do a passport now want to change all
My name is not on the certificate because they said I don't have a passport so I need passport before they can put my name on it
0 votes
Yes o already take it please, am from Ghana
answered Mar 20, 2019 by Joe
0 votes
Yes the woman told me if I had my passport she will use my name but I dont know if is possible to change the Vaterschaft and Sorgerecht with my name?
answered Mar 20, 2019 by Joe
0 votes
Thanks so much for your fast reply and I really appreciate itmy second question please, if I put my name on the certificate can I go back to notar again to put my name?
answered Mar 20, 2019 by Joe
Brother notar have to do Notting with Name this everything Standamt have to do with your case
Hello bro thanks for your reply, I will like to go back to notar because they do the Vaterschaft and Sorgerecht for me and I think after I change the certificate at standamt you think they can change the name on the Vaterschaft and Sorgerecht for me?thanks
Brother I have same problem my baby also born 2018 August with my German gf but right now Standamt send my date of brith to my Contry for Prüfung my date of brith
After that they put my name in my child Geburtsurkunde
I do understand you but you didn't get me ,what I mean is about my Vaterschaft and Sorgerecht I do it at notar and after I change the certificate from standamt how can I change the name also on the paper if my Vaterschaft and Sorgerecht, hope you understand me well?
0 votes
which city are you? sorry I just saw this question now.. or have you gotten your resident ? and how long is your gf In Germany ? and she have resident or Poland passport
answered Jun 25, 2019 by ERKHTS
0 votes
I have a baby with a polish woman. The baby was born here in Germany but has a polish nationality and birth certificate with my name on it. Will Standesamt accept it and change it to German certificate? And also will Jugendamt accept it so we can make sorgericht???
answered Jan 4, 2020 by Leon

Dear @Leon, Thank you for reaching out to the Wefugees Community. 

If I understand you correctly, your baby was born in Germany? In that case, the German authorities should have issued the birth certificate accordingly, right? 

However, if you, as parents, both live in Germany, the „Jugendamt“ will also be responsible for the custody issues. Please find more details on this website (describing the procedure in Berlin though): https://service.berlin.de/dienstleistung/326590/.

If required documents are issued in Polish language, you might need a professional translation. As long as you can provide all papers, I don’t see any problems regarding the declaration of custody - even if documents are from Poland.

Would you agree @Infoverbund or @mbeon-Christine

Please get back to us with any further questions or if any clarification is needed. 

All the best, 


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