Hello everyone, I have a question and it's that I have a child here since last year August and did the vaterschaftsanerkennung and about to do the sogerrecht and give my passport too to the Ausländerbehörde.  When I went to change my gestatung, the lady also told me that soon as your passport is back from the Prüfung, we will call you for your aufenthaltserlaubnis.. So I want to know if I still need the asylum process which I already got negative or should I just get out of the asylum process??? Thank you
asked Feb 21, 2019 in Legal advice by Baye | 1,108 views

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2 Answers

0 votes
You should go out from Asyl if not if your aufenthaltstitel is finish they will not give you until you are out from asyl. And to go out from asyl need 4weeks or more, its happen to me
answered Feb 21, 2019 by Family
0 votes

Dear @Baye,

Thank you for reaching out to our interactive community and Welcome :-)

If you have already applied for a residence permit based on having a child and the lady has informed you that they will let you know soon, you should probably just wait. 

The important question here is: what happened when you received a negative decision on your case? Have you appealed the decision, do you have a Duldung? Have you been asked to leave the country?

If you have a legal status that allows you to stay in Germany and your application is currently being processed, it would make sense to wait until you hear about your Aufenthaltserlaubnis. But consulting a lawyer or seeking legal advice from a refugee council/ pro bono legal aid service is definitely a good idea, if you haven't already done so.

Here are a few threads where questions around residence permits have been answered:

Question about Vaterschaftsanerkennung

How can I get a residence permit for Germany having a German child?

I hope this information is helpful. Feel free to reach out to us again if you have any more questions!

All the best,


answered Feb 23, 2019 by Isa
I have aufenthaltsgestattung and am working a full time job doing everything for myself... I was asked to leave Germany two years back because of my finger in Portugal but I appealed and the decision was withdrawn and that I can stay and go to school.. I am now 3years here in Germany and my asylum case is still going...
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