I came to Finland in December to come see if I would want to stay here.
My 3 months end in March,but what I wanna know is if I can get a job and if I do will I be able to stay and do paper work from here??
If not possible,are there ways for me to stat here longer?
asked Feb 12, 2019 in Legal advice by vanessa | 662 views

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Dear @vanessa,

Welcome to Wefugees and thank you for reaching out to us!

I'm not an expert on Finland's policies but had a **** and found plenty of helpful websites around residence permits for work.

The first website should answer your question if you can extend your short-term visa: https://***.infofinland.fi/en/moving-to-finland/non-eu-citizens/a-short-stay-in-finland

You may have to contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs/ Police (see website) for more information on your options.

Furthermore, here is information on the steps you need to take in order to apply for a work visa: https://***.infofinland.fi/en/moving-to-finland/non-eu-citizens/coming-to-work-in-finland

And: https://migri.fi/en/working-in-finland

Please note that the website states you have to be out of the country in order to apply for the residence permit for work:

"If you come to work in Finland, you need a residence permit. Before a residence permit can be granted to you, you must find a job in Finland. When you have found a job, you can apply for a residence permit. You must apply for a residence permit before you come to Finland.

To work in Finland, you normally need either a residence permit for an employed person or some other residence permit entitling you to work. The type of permit depends on what kind of work you will be doing."

I hope this information helps. Feel free to reach out to us again if you have any more question, or reach out to a local immigration authority :-) 

All the best,


answered Feb 18, 2019 by Isa
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