
Hope you great and fine. I need help I am a student in German and I just gave birth to a baby boy. I have no help, money,insurance and nowhere to go. My German boyfriend made me pregnant and he latter runaway. I contacted Jugendamt but still contacting him but he refused to sign vaterschaft or corporate.I have no insurance and what should I do. Please help
asked Jan 11, 2019 in Legal advice by Pan 123 | 1,341 views
hallo, did you get help from Jugendamt? My friend is in the same situation. The father of the child is refusing to sign vaterschaft or corporate.

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1 Answer

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Dear @Pan 123,

Thank you for sharing your situation with us and I'm sorry to hear this happened.

As what you describe sounds very urgent, I would definitely recommend going to your university's support center, consulting a lawyer or asking a legal aid service for support in your case. Universities can usually help if you need financial or mental support. 

If the father of your child denies to do the "Vaterschaftsanerkennung", you still have options. For example, the determination of paternity through court ("gerichtliche Vaterschaftsfeststellung"). 

Here is more information on the "Vaterschaftsfeststellungsklage". This source is in German but maybe a translating tool helps: https://ratgeber-vaterschaftstest.de/vaterschaftsfeststellung/

For more legal advice: there might be a Refugee Law Clinic at your university, or you can have a **** at these pro bono legal aid services in Germany: ****://***.refugeelegalaidinformation.org/germany-pro-bono-directory

In Germany, you also have the option to apply for child benefits: ****://***.bamf.de/EN/Willkommen/KinderFamilie/Kindergeld/kindergeld-node.html

And here is another similar thread from our platform: As an asylum seeker what are the steps to take to proof paternity?

I hope this helps for now. Please feel free to reach out to us again if you have any more questions and definitely visit one of the options I listed for more support!

Kind regards, take care,


answered Jan 15, 2019 by Isa
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