Hi Everyone, Happy New year. did anyone know the current material I can get to prepare for Telc A1-B1 Exam? Any help will be appreciated.. Thanks
asked Jan 5, 2019 in Education by Emmytender | 2,500 views

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1 Answer

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Hey there @Emmytender

Happy New Year to you too! And thank you for your question to the community. 

I've had a **** at the official test website and there are a few links with download options for preparation material: https://***.telc.net/pruefungsteilnehmende/sprachpruefungen/pruefungen/detail/deutsch-test-fuer-zuwanderer-a2-b1.html#t=2 

Here is an Übungstest: https://***.telc.net/fileadmin/user_upload/deutsch-test-fuer-zuwanderer_uebungstest_1_1_.pdf 

They also advertise this Übungsheft here for 10€: https://***.telc.net/shop/detail/article/deutsch-test-fuer-zuwanderer-a2-b1-uebungsheft.html?p=245 

Or have a **** at this one: https://de.pons.***/produkte/pons-deutsch-test-fuer-zuwanderer-978-3-12-562714-7?gclid=Cj0KCQiAsdHhBRCwARIsAAhRhskRIUIjhFxoqozd8Rqc4vGdPN5vc3ZOL7TNq7ycrwLrYZOCfXEBCVEaAk58EALw_wcB 

Maybe some other members have more information on materials that helped :-) 

All the best, 


answered Jan 8, 2019 by Isa
Hi lsa, Thanks for the tips, and info..
Hey @Emmytender, of course! I'm glad I could help. Have a nice day, Isa
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