Hi I am in Germany registered as asylum seeker in Bayren.I am in really worth situation I hope people help me here.I am together with my german partner from last 3 years.I have now one year old daughter.But I am still in asylum process.In this 3 years I have criminal record.And now I got jail 3 years. I try to help my younger brother to bring him to Germany from serbia.Now I am afriad if I go to jail after that they deport me.And banned me to long time not come back to Germany.Then I cant see my family again.Any one who tell me in this situation German authorities deport me or not?
asked Dec 17, 2018 in Legal advice by Malik009 | 1,056 views

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Dear @Malik009,

Welcome to the Wefugees community. I'm sorry to hear about your situation.

If I understand you correctly, your questions are the following:

  • Will you be deported after being in jail
  • How can you avoid being separated from your family
  • How can you bring your younger brother who is in Serbia to Germany

Starting with your last question: 

People who have been granted a protection status in Germany have a right to reunite with their "core family". That applies to your brother if he is a minor, and only if you are granted a protection status. Here's some more information on family reunion by the BAMF (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge):


"Family members of persons entitled to protection also receive asylum.

The following are regarded as family members for the purposes of family asylum:

  • spouses and registered partners,
  • minor, unmarried children,
  • the parents of minor, unmarried persons for the purpose of care and custody,
  • other adults who have personal custody of minor, unmarried persons,
  • the minor, unmarried siblings of minors."

There's also a thread here on our platform that explains which members of your family it applies to: https://***.wefugees.de/801283/from-iraq-got-accepted-refugee-germany-bring-family-from-iraq

Regarding your other two questions, I will do some more research and get back to you shortly.

All the best,


answered Dec 20, 2018 by Isa
Dear @Malik009, Thank you for waiting. I haven't been able to get back to you because of the Holidays. Now, I'm going to link our asylum law expert @Nilab here. She will give you some legal advice regarding your situation. Take care, Isa
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