Hello. If i make a second asylum request in Belgium, for the same reasons but eith new evidences, and it is accepted, after I finish all the interviews, is it possible that the Belgium authorities ask for my file in the county where i made the first asylum application??? I mean is it legal for them to give details from the file of the first application? Or everythink is confidential?
asked Nov 30, 2018 in Asylum proceedings by DD | 1,905 views

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Dear @DD

I can see that it's a very tricky situation you are in, so thank you for getting in touch with us again. 

Just so I could understand a bit more about your case, I've read through the questions you have asked a year ago. What it looks like to me is that you are first of all asking if you can apply for asylum again in a different EU-country - Belgium, with new evidence, as you've stated. Second of all, if the Belgian authorities can view your first application made in Switzerland. 

If you follow this link here, a similar question has been asked before and answered by one of our legal advice experts: https://***.wefugees.de/102057/claim-asylum-for-second-time-in-eu?show=102057#q102057 

There is another answer that can help you here, also regarding Belgium's proceedings with second asylum applications: https://***.wefugees.de/101918/is-it-possible-to-apply-for-asylum-a-second-time 

Please feel free to reach out to us again if you still have questions, I really hope the answers provided in the threads I'm sending you help! 

All the best, 


answered Dec 6, 2018 by Isa
Thank you very much for your feedback, but to tell the truth i did not get any answer from what I read. My question is simple. While having a second asylum process ongoing, can this country ask for the file to the first country that took before a negative decision?? Pls if you have any information about it possibly let me know.
Dear @DD, thanks for letting me know and I'm sorry your question hasn't been answered! I will link our asylum law expert @Nilab here, she will get back to you shortly with more information. Best, Isa
Dear @DD, I am sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Yes they can ask for the file nad they do so, and if you tell different facts/stories they will confront you with them. So make sure you know what the case was in the first country and why you could rejected. I hope this answers now your question. Best regards, Nilab
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