Hello everyone today I go Ausländerbehörde I pay 28.80 euros for resident permit card and they give me one paper and said that I must wait now 2 or 3 weeks and I will receive mail with pin and then I can collect my card I don’t know how long this can take but still I’m sad because they don’t give me any permission to work I have heard they must give me permission to work but they said I must wait for card then I can work and the paper they give me is written information that my card is applied and I must wait for mail and PIN number and that’s all and one paper they show me in office that I will get card for how long and that’s all please help me that why they don’t give me permission to work and if they must give me permission then according to what article number so I can atleast show them article number and ask for permission to work I have family to feed

Many thanks
asked Nov 22, 2018 in Other Questions by Musawvir | 1,047 views

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5 Answers

0 votes
Dear @Musawvir, thank you for your question in the community. As for your question: https://***.bmas.de/DE/Schwerpunkte/Neustart-in-Deutschland/Neustart-Asylsuchende/arbeitsmarktzugang-asylbewerber-geduldete.html - the work permit will be issued on your ID Card - they have taken your Ausweis now? - they dont have to give you the permit as you have a Deportation ban and not Flüchtlingsstatus, positive asylum or Subsidiäre Schutz. So as they have just postponed it bya couple of weeks, it would best to wait. If after following the link you still have some questions please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Best regards, Nilab
answered Nov 23, 2018 by Nilab
0 votes

yes I have already give money and applied for resident permit and they say I must wait 3 weeks as my resident card will come and they give me already a visa for 3 months and written no work permitted and I still have it and I will return it the day I must receive my resident permit but my concern is they applied for my resident permit and already told me how long my resident card will be so why they don’t allow me to work if they already applied for my resident permit I have heard the day someone apply for resident permit on base of marriage and the same day you are permitted to work so that all concern And many thanks  nabil you always respond with help 

answered Nov 23, 2018 by Musawvir
0 votes
No I just go along with wife and all papers to apply resdient card and they give me 3 months paper resident permit without permission to work and they say we will see your case and we will answer you then they answer in week and give me appointment and applied for me card and when my card arrived then they take paper residenti back and give me card ! It's was all what happen
answered Apr 24, 2019 by Musawvir
0 votes
Musawvir i have a same probluem
answered Apr 29, 2019 by anees ashraf
0 votes
Well, I had to face a similar issue yesterday. My concern is despite of a deportation ban from court the ausländerbehorde handed me a paper stating"Ausreispflichtung" and again they gave me a feedback verbally stating that if any positive information then they will let me know through email. Despite the order of a deportation ban from court they stated Ausreispflichtung.
answered Jul 2, 2022 by Sidra
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