Would make application in France directly, but having to make stop over in Zagreb first for medical/financial reasons. Would be there at least one month.

Also: establishing a mailing address in France without a residency? Cannot qualify for medical assistance without one. Are there sponsoring organizations in France who will provide a secure:stable mailing address? which should be close at least to where one is living/ department of application.

Thank you.

asked Nov 19, 2018 in Legal advice by Rüdiger | 814 views

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Dear @Rüdiger

thank you for your question: 

1. As for your question on Croatia- it is a EU member state, therefore the DUBLIN Regulation applies. 

2. In Paris the city is managing everything directly- however there is the NGO Emmaüs that facilitates all the operational tasks for the city. In order to find out about your question please contact them directly: 

14, rue Jules Vanzuppe


You can get medical assistance but first of all you need to register yourself as an asylum seeker and then they will allocate you to a address somewhere in France- so you cannot choose which city. 

I hope I could assist you, if you need further guidance please do not hesitate to reach out to us. 

Best regards, 


answered Nov 19, 2018 by Nilab
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