Hi.i m from pakistan.i got asylum in austria.my case rejected here.but i got married here with a man having positive asylum.but my case rejected despite of that we are happily living together.my lawyer says go back to pskistan and apply for family reunion.my question is can embassy create a problem if i apply from pakistan as i was having asylum here.waiting for sincere response from u people.
asked Nov 15, 2018 in Asylum proceedings by Najma | 1,699 views
Thanks 4 your response.my lawyer says my case is not much strong to ask 4 resident permit as in my asylum negative its written that my country is safe.if i go pakistan then my asylum and illegal entry will affect my visa?

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Dear @Najma

thank you for being part of our community- as for your question I did some research and it is possible for you not to go bcak and still get the Visa through family- unification.

This is applied by the Austrian law, when it would be not bearable for you as a family or it is not possible for you to go back for instance if you have applied for asylum because of danger of your life. 

But you have to make sure that your lawyer agrues well- as it is the argumentation that can change the dicision. 

Here is the law I am referring to : 

"Weiters: Ist eine Ausreise zum Zweck der gebotenen Antragstellung im Ausland nachweislich nicht möglich bzw. nicht zumutbar und liegt kein zwingendes Erteilungshindernis vor, kann die Niederlassungsbehörde auf begründeten Antrag in folgenden Fällen eine Inlandsantragstellung zulassen:

  • Bei unbegleiteten Minderjährigen zur Wahrung des Kindeswohls
  • Zur Aufrechterhaltung des Privat- und Familienlebens im Sinne des Art. 8 Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention (EMRK)"


 If there are still open question please do not hesitate to reach out to the community. 

Best regards, 


answered Nov 19, 2018 by Nilab
If i go back is there any law that can make hurdle in coming back as my first entry here was illegal as a refugee.
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