If I have a full time work in another region will the Ausländerbehörde accpet it? Thanks for answer!
asked Oct 28, 2018 in Work by Lothbrok | 1,840 views

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Dear @Lothbrok

thank you for your question. 

Asylum applicants and tolerated persons generally need a work permit, which is issued by the local Ausländerbehörde. During the first 4 years of stay, consent is also required from the Arbeitsagentur for a specific job. It gives permission on the one hand after a review of equivalent conditions of employment (on equal footing with national employees) and on the other based on whether a German or other worker with the right to freedom of movement under EU law is available for the specific employment (so-called priority review).

There are exceptions to the priority review. Asylum applicants or tolerated persons can work without the need for a priority review if they:

  • meet the requirements for granting a EU Blue Card for shortage occupations (university degree and activity in shortage occupations, such as IT, engineers, physicians, etc., salary threshold below EUR 37,752) or
  • are skilled personnel with recognised qualified vocational training in shortage occupations or
  • perform a practical activity for the recognition of their occupational qualification or
  • have already been in Germany for 15 months.

I hope this helps, if you need further clearification please do not hesitate to reach out to the community. 

Best regards, 


answered Oct 29, 2018 by Nilab
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