I am from Pakistan, living in Cyprus since more than 3 years.
My girlfriend is from Ukraine. We are living together in Cyprus
But we want permanently move to Germany and wants legal documents to live legally
Please guide me to the right direction.
Wainting anxiuosaly to reply
asked Oct 28, 2018 in Legal advice by Ubaid | 692 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Dear @Ubaid, thank you for sharing your question with us in the community. As for your question: 1. it depends what status you have in Greece 2. You both need visa- the best way would be to seek employment in Germany and then get a working visa to Germany. However this depends what status you have in Greece. In order to be more specific with my answer I would need more information. If you have further question feel free to use our vibrant community. Best regards, Nilab
answered Oct 29, 2018 by Nilab
I have a work permit and I am working in dairy farm.
We also applied for yellow slip in Cyprus
Sir, I am waiting to your reply
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