Dear wefugee team, please I need to know something, please I am currently working but  fiancé is not working , we are staying together , all our files are together as fiancés but not as marriage couple, so I am here to know if my fiancé too will not receive any money from the state because I was told they won't pay me again because I'm working but my option she should be paid but some friends telling me they won't pay her so far as am working ,I will be the one to pay her.So please I'm here to know more about this case. thanks
asked Oct 16, 2018 in Money by Denny28 | 607 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @Denny28

thank you for your question. If your salary is enough then they wont pay you, if they count you as a "Bedarfsgemeinschaft": 

In the event that you live with your fiance  for more than one year,  in the same household, the existence of a "Bedarfsgemeinschaft" is automatically suspected. 

If you do have seperate household/ Haushaltsgemeinschaft then you have to proof it.

Basically, however, the legislature cannot automatically assume the existence of such and if couples are unmarried, such in your case there is no obligation to cover the financial needs of eachother.  Also, a period of one year is not representative. So if you do have separate households then you should appeal against the ALG 2 decision. 

I hope I could help you, if you need further guidance please do not hesitate to use the community. 

Best regards, 


answered Oct 18, 2018 by Nilab
Thanks for your answer but please we live together as a unmarried partners in an asylum house but I was told by the social worker in the ausländerbehorder that, I will be the one to pay my fiance as I'm working and without giving us anything,  I mean any writing paper with code of conduct that's shows I will be the one to pay my pregnant fiance.  So intend to report the case to the police and also to the court by Monday,  please any advice? Thanks
Your welcome!
I would suggest that you report it not to the police, but write a letter to the head of the Ausländerbehörde and contact the Sozialamt. Further I would suggest to get legal assistance from the Flüchtlingsrat in your town.
Best regards,
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