Hello, thanks a lot for providing such a great platform on which we can ask our question without hesitation..
So my question is during asylum procdure i gave some evidence in which state that my life is danger in my homeland.Now my question is that how BAMP or federal court verify these evidence through german embassy in my homeland or through my homeland embassy in germany i.e pakistanis embassy
asked Oct 2, 2018 in Asylum proceedings by malik123 | 911 views

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Dear @malik123, we are glad to be able to offer such a platform that lives from the community and their vibrant contribution. As for your question the BAMF will not contact your homecountry embassy if you have filed political asylum. But they have their own mean such as rightly mentioned by you the German Embassy and if you have handed in Documents they have skilled staff members who can verify if the documents are original or fake. I hope I could give you a guidance in regards of your question, if you have other open question please do not hesitate to use the community and contribute to it. Best regards, Nilab
answered Oct 3, 2018 by Nilab
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