asked May 2, 2018 in Asylum proceedings by Hopeless | 543 views

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I think if you can prove that you don't take medical care in Romania for German authorities or you are homeless. German authorities may take this into account. But It's not guaranteed that you can be accepted in Germany because you are currently a refugee in Romania.
On the other hand , I don't think that Romania are a member of Dublin III agreement (but I'm not sure about that) then if so, you could be accepted in Germany
I wish you all the best in the future.
answered May 3, 2018 by Miky
Actually. Yes Romania in Dublin III I have Just checked. As you have database in Eurodac It would be the same wheter if you applied in Germany
I mean it won't be harmful for you to apply in Germany .just don't refuse to leave when they told you to do (if so)
in my opinion. Go straight ahead to Germany it's much better than Romania and try to work or study or even to marry there . That would help you so much to stay in Germany.
I knew people were asylees in Bulgaria and now they got accepted in Germany
wish you goodluck
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