
My lawyer told me that I should continue my studies . I started to search universities on internet. One university which is in Berlin . The name of the university is FU-Berlin (freie Universität)

This university offers the programs for refugees.  There is one program and it calls welcome program . If  my Abitur from my country does not qualify then I have to take welcome program which will prepare me for the future degree level programs . So my question is that I am living in Munich and I want to take admission in this university. Can I move from Munich to Berlin for studies ?  

asked Mar 18, 2018 in Legal advice by Zichako | 879 views

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1 Answer

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Hello @Zichako

You are still an asylum seeker, correct? It's important for us to know your legal status because it has implications for your options to move within Germany.

If you are still an asylum seeker (with Aufenthaltsgestattung), please keep in mind the answer I gave you in this thread over there as it still applies:


Best regards,


answered Mar 19, 2018 by Thor
I have Aufenthaltgestattung and because of studies can I not move to another city ?  Or I should first take admission and after admission I have to make (Umverteilung) to the government and give reason that why I move there ?
Is it possible?
It can be quite hard to move with Aufenthaltsgestattung. Do you have a so-called "Wohnsitzauflage"? It's written in your Aufenthaltsgestattung if you are allowed to leave your region/city or not. If you have a Wohnsitzauflage you usually need a job that makes you independent from governmental benefits to get rid of it.

I'm not sure if the admission by university in Berlin is sufficient for Umverteilung, but of course you can give it a try.
I do not have written on my Ausweis wohnsitzauflage but it has written on Ausweis Wohnsitnahme nur im Land Kreis
Ok, that is a Wohnsitzauflage. In this case it seems to be the only option to try to get to Berlin through Umverteilung.
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