Hello again,

i want to know, if i want to get marry to a girl in Tschechien, who is living in Prag. should we get marry in Germany or there ? my asylum case is still in process in court. is it good, if i show them my passport in Standesamt as my case was rejected before in BAMF. but i have told them everything real and they have already my Driving license and other documents original  which show them my full information.
asked Mar 14, 2018 in Legal advice by Dreamchaser | 426 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Hello @Sandy

Nice to hear from you again!

Since you are still in the asylum procedure you are not allowed to leave Germany. If you want to marry your fiancé has to come to Germany. It's risky to show your passport at Standesamt especially if you have already been rejected by BAMF once. If you get a negative result on your appeal you can easily get deported back to your home country if authorities hold your passport. On the other hand, it's inevitable to hand it in at Standesamt if you want to marry. So it's quite a dilemma.

Is there a way that you can go to a counselling center or other instutions/experts that can take a closer **** at your case? It's not possible for us to give detailed advice online, especially when there is a lot at stake like in your case. It's better to have someone take a **** at all the details and to decide on what's best to do.

Best regards,


answered Mar 15, 2018 by Thor
Thanks @Thor. you clear my doubt ! Thanks alot again.
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