Hello .Does anyone know about the possibility and terms marriage in italy? I need advice and help in that cause.Im from Belgium and my boyfriend is Pakistani. My boyfriend lives in Italy hes refugees.We wants marry there .If anyone knows about the marriages procedure so please let me know. Thank alots .With the best regards Brenda.
asked Jan 22, 2018 in Legal advice by Soniya | 2,437 views

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2 Answers

+2 votes
Hello @Soniya

Welcome to our community and thank you for your question!

We had questions similar to yours here on the platform recently. Please check out the information provided here:



Feel free to ask further questions in case anything remained unclear.

Best regards,
answered Jan 22, 2018 by Thor
Thank you thorgen for answer. I do have last question.Soon i will come in italy so i have make all my paper documents ready for the marriage.But i just dont know where i must live there?? Can i just staying in hotel for the fews weeks until we will get the marriage date? Or i must find some rent house and register my self into city hall ? Also i need to find somework there?? How long its takes times for the marriage procedure ? Please give me good advice . Which city in Italy is easy and quick possible marry?
Hello @Soniya - I'm glad to hear that my answer was helpful to you.

You don't have to have a registered address in Italy in order to marry there - a hotel is sufficient. And you don't have to have a job either.

Unfortunately I can't tell you if there is differences between Italian cities concerning the duration of the marriage process. I'm not that familiar with the procedure and can only give advice based on my research. But I found out that you will have to go to the registry office (Ufficiale dello Stato Civile) at least twice: First to announce that you want to marry and a second time for the actual civil wedding ceremony. A website that I found states that you should be there at least 2-3 days before the wedding day, but it could also be that you have to be there 10 days before (https://***.weddingintuscany.info/wedding-italy-services/wedding-documentation-italy.html/). Probably it's best to get in contact with the competent registry office that you want to marry at in advance to get an overview of all the paperwork that needs to be done. That should give you a better feeling for how much time you will need to spend in Italy in order to prepare everything.

Best regards,
Thank you ver much for your advice
0 votes
Hello Thorgen thank you for your answer.Well Iam planning to go Italy soon. I got European passport also id .I do have all documents ready which is needs for the marriage .When i will be there in Italy i must register my self into city hall? Also find somework? Or it is just enough to staying in hotel for some days or weeks?? Until to the marriage date?
answered Jan 22, 2018 by Soniya
Guys I really appreciated your help
Very helpful information! thank you!

need some information
I am hoping one of you can give me some information about marriage in Italy
I am an Afghan and I am holding Italian subsidiary’s protraction documents
Which has been issued for five years and it’s still valid until 2019/08
Since four years I am in a relationship with a British girl she is originally Schotish but she is holding normal British passport
So Me and my girlfriend we decided to get married very soon

she is living in UK
It’s a little bite difficult for her to stay in Italy for long time Bc she is working

Could you please let me know what I have to do ?
Will be good  to give me some information from A to Z
From where I start

At the moment I am in Germany but soon I am coming  back to Italy to do some paperwork for my wedding until my girlfriend fly to Italy as she is waiting for me to do some paperwork than she is flying from uk to Italy

So please need a quick advice, as I read some information about An American girl and her boyfriend
But still it doesn’t help me much

And I have one more important question

I think in Italy at the court they will ask me for some documents to proof that I am single
Yes I am single
But I don’t have a certificate from my country to show them at the court

So as I am holding subsidiary protection   documents
I can’t visit my embassy and I am not allowed to visit my country, so how I proof that and how I make the certificate when I am not allowed to visit my embassy ?

But in my asylum documents and in my national ID card  from my home country
it’s clearly written on it
I am single
Do you think the court will accept that or still they will ask for a certificate?
What should I do ?
Thank you very much in advance
Sorry just a question comes up
How long it will take until I get marriage and I get my marriage certificate ?
Thank you very much!
Hello @S - please check out the information provided in this thread: https://***.wefugees.de/k/questions/2431#answer3574
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